Conversation Between Del Murder and Wolf Kanno

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Took you long enough.
  2. I think a lot of it is me dealing with stress, I'm finishing up finals and finally graduating and I need something to keep my mind off of everything. At least I cam back in time to see your last days.
  3. If we had a comeback player of the year award you would definitely run away with it. You've been on a tear!
  4. Seriously, it's your birthday? Well, happy birthday old man.
  5. It's actually an old post from a thread Vivi22 made, but I thought it would be amusing to re-use it since that thread got little love so no one probably saw it before. Thanks for the rep and happy belated Christmas.
  6. Except you left it in my Visitor Message so now the others will know. I'm going to wake up with foa's gift of a severed moogle head in my bed now...
  7. Don't tell the others this (especially foa), but I think you're my favorite Cid's Knight.
  8. Happy Birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
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