Conversation Between Pumpkin and Ayen

307 Visitor Messages

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  1. I've been trying to do LP's for a while but I keep getting too busy
  2. I see you have joined the LP game.

    I don't know who started the trend, but it's working.
  3. Thank you, I'll check it out some day!
  4. Since you enjoy fighting games, I have to recommend Evil Zone. It's basically a fun fighting game full of anime tropes and proved to me a fighting game can still have a good story and cast of characters. I love it.
  5. Alrighty! Just didn't know if that was your way of saying you weren't voting Thanks!
  6. Oops. Got the names wrong. Hold on, I'll edit.
  7. Hey, for your vote in the character tournament, you said Hyperdevotion Noire and La Pucelle Tactics which are the names of the games and not one of the characters. Were you just not voting for those?
  8. Cool, looking forward to it
  9. That was part of my motivation to start reviewing, too. I wanted to talk about games I didn't see get discussed a lot. Like Monster Rancher, Croc, BattleTanx, etc. Nowadays I review everything and anything I can get my hands on. I'm also branching out into a new field on Monday
  10. I just had so much fun with my video games list so I wanted to start to hopefully let people know about these games. They might find new ones to try or maybe find some to avoid xD
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 307
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