Conversation Between Spuuky and Del Murder

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Umm, I'm not sure. I'll turn on signatures for a minute and look when I get a chance.
  2. What happened to your signature image? It doesn't show up any more. Maybe I'm asking the wrong person.
  3. An image of darkness,
    Filled with self-hate.
    In all things a pro,
    Who lives to procrastinate.

    He makes me quueazy,
    Those eyes, so sleazy.
    How can someone like Auckland so much?
    He's oh so astuute,
    And hardly a bruute.
    Who compared with all others remains nonesuch...
    To me he's spectacuular,
    (And rather vernacuular),
    And always seems to come through in the clutch.

    Hiding himself in the New Zealand street,
    And yet, he says that we one day will meet.
    Larry Walker's first child must be named after him.
    For on any other team he just seems rather dim.

    He's gruuvy even when druupy,
    And I, his ever faithful gruupie,
    Value his choice to exist.
    So painful he is to resist,
    And always so ouutright.
    Perhaps that's why he has permanent smite.

    He'll even forgive my awful grammar,
    And always with his usual glamour.
    Auugment the words we omit
    You'll find that he is really split -
    There's Spuuky, the self that he despises,
    And Spuuky, the man who's full of surprises.
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