Conversation Between chionos and Pumpkin

75 Visitor Messages

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  1. "Kitteh! Dar'f dar'f, nubnubnubnub, brrrrrr, fst, fst, fst, fst." ~ Conversation I had with my cat, Maggie.
  2. Same for me. My son was conceived due to sexual assault. The birth control I was on was aggravating my tendency to clot my blood (stupid body) so I had to go off it for a while before starting a new one. I made a strict no sex rule for that time for obvious reasons and well...

    And now I have a son I can't take care of and it added to my mental health issues and I feel guilty everyday that I had a child when I wasn't ready and can't properly care for him. Its a sad thing. I love my son but at the same time the circumstances made things very complicated for everyone
  3. Agreed, shi. It's a hot topic, and in some ways, the conversation should be heated, you know? My purpose is always to bring conflicting ideas together, to find the truth between the lines, to converge divergence. I hope I haven't come across as overly aggressive. I certainly didn't feel at any point that you were out of line, nor so far has anyone else been so that I can tell. It is a topic that I feel strongly about, though.
  4. Hey there, just wanted to extend a friendly hello and make sure things aren't getting too heated in EoEO. I know thing tend to snowball in that forum and I would like to have a mature debate without anyone being upset or stressed or anything
  5. Yeah he's on Sargatanas and his name is Daphnee Orion
  6. Is his character on the EoFF server? And what's his name? If I get on I'll look for him.
  7. I has 3 characters and I love them all

    Sharky also made one but he's only passed the intro and hasn't tried the game past that yet. He might tonight when I am at work
  8. Sorry :<
  9. Yeah, I figured that out. =P
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 75
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