Conversation Between DK and Iceglow

102 Visitor Messages

  1. hahaha dude I thought I sent you a voice message! My mic must've been on mute! lol! Still I was wondering if you devilishly handsome man was up for playing some games/chatting about random crap whilst we gamed, must've been something like that.
  2. Steve why did you send me a mute voice message on xbl the other day you crazy but devilishly handsome man
  3. my profile picture still makes me think of you and me having one of our relatively normal conversations. Well, relatively normal by our standards conversations. It makes me laugh every time. Gotta give Rye some credit with finding it.
  4. Sounds pretty good, my thumb might be spannered but if you are in tomorrow day time and up for it I will fly wingman for you
  5. funnily enough went into the local game shop today and they had two second hand copies of 6, one of which I now own. Gonna rinse it out pretty hard, by the time your thumb has stopped being spannered I should have unlocked some good planes so yeah
  6. You mean Assault Horizon right? smurf YEAH I'm in, we got missile lock on that bad boy! You still ought to pick up a copy of 6 second hand somewhere.
  7. Steve!! New online co-op Ace Combat next month, you down? Downloading the demo now, if it's any good it may just have to be done
  8. Where is it?
  9. Hey steve...have you seen it?
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 102