Conversation Between Pete for President and Christmas

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hahaha, if I am your teacher, I won't mind having your doodles on my textbook! What did your teacher said to you?

    So which means you are a nature artist! My respect to you! I really like your artworks when I come visit occasionally!

    Thank you for liking my works. They are outrageous and nonsensical by nature.
  2. Haha yeah all my schoolbooks were covered in doodles. And my friends' ones too! Once I came in late and didn't realise my friend had forgotten his and borrowed my teachers' book instead. I drew a massive doodle on the front when he wasn't looking and we both freaked out when he told me it was the teachers. Boy did I feel stupid : (

    As for the serious part I didn't go to art school but I wish I had! Instead I started making bigger pieces and landscapes with proper materials and actually spending a lot of time thinking how I can make things look best. It was fun and still is : ) Love your new doodles in the art forum!
  3. Did you like doodle all over your textbooks and tables when you were in school?

    "Seriously" means you started attending art school or something?
  4. Haha of course they won't! I've been doodling ever since I was a kid but I didn't start drawing "seriously" until I was 19 or something. It's come a long way since then : )
  5. I hope they don't try to poo on me.

    Well, just being part time is good as nothing beats doing something you are interested in! You've been doing arts since you are a kid?
  6. Ooh riding elephants sounds awesome! Be sure to pet them a lot. I do try to make a bit of money of being an artist but not full time. Just whenever I can : )
  7. I intend to go to an island resort next week! Maybe play some water sports and ride on some elephants!

    Which means you will be making a breakthrough from your original kind of work! Are you an artist in real life?
  8. Haha that sounds great! Where are you celebrating holidays? Any adventures out there? Of course I will post my work here. It's the first time I'm attempting a full character concept art so I'm kinda out of my comfort zone. I hope I can make it work :0
  9. Oh, any work for you is surely worth the wait. Will you be posting it here?

    I am on holidays and slacking like a piglet. Oink Oink!
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