Conversation Between Leeza and Quindiana Jones

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. It has been argued.
  2. You're nine then?
  3. It's against nature! You've been staff all my life!
  4. Yeah, me too...kinda.
  5. It still gives me shivers not seeing you as staff. Like...genuinely freaks me out.
  6. Buttered.
  7. You know, only until a few months ago, I thought that little yellow/blue chocobo face next to people's names was some kind of rank thing. I always wanted a blue one

    But then, one day, as I was happily typing merrily in a jolly good mood, I hovered over that little face and OOH EEE BAH GUM! It said online.
  8. You wish your gender was Q.
  9. If only I had a cat suit....

  10. I give you the world cutest kitty and all you do is MOAN! Some people just can't be pleased. Maybe if I danced around in a cat suit?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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