Conversation Between Ergroilnin and Christmas

137 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha, then you are normal!

    But seriously nowadays, things are really weird.
  2. Could be so. But I like to tap that meat
  3. I think the point is that their digital girlfriends is willing to accept them as boyfriends unlike the real life girls?

    The closest game that I play that is similar to a dating sim is Harvest Moon. :bigmsile:
  4. Yeah I mean I can see where they are coming from. Their waifus are never cheating on them, aren't constantly bitching, don't cost almost anything but what's the point? I played two or three dating sims and they weren't bad but nothing extraordinary.
  5. No joke. In japan, I heard a lot of guys prefer virtual video game female characters more than real girls. That is why their dating games are so popular. It's kinda bizarre.
  6. He's living the dream xD
  7. Haha, TBH I am not really trying to show them so whatever
  8. That is because they fail to see the potential and beauty in you.

    Besides, manly men are potential drunkard and wife beater.
  9. Not really, ladies prefer manly men over me
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