Conversation Between Rocket Edge and Vikeve

199 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh, drat of RE is saving Christmas than that means can't steal her sould.
  2. I was born under a wanderin' star.
  3. How do you feel about the :kewl: smilie? I think its kewl.
  4. There is always a moment on my computer where the spinning of your profile pic freezes. It may start again but by that time I have broken free.
  5. I'm on top of you Vik.
  6. You know that picture of the dog bird is actually a distant relative of mine and the entire population of pelippers.
  7. Rocket colours.
  8. Omg like your profile pic spins now!

    (SPOILER)I actualy use the word "like"..... a lot....
  9. Vikings aren't are stupid as we first believed.
  10. Nay!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 199
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