Conversation Between Fynn and Madame Adequate

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh man, are they. I got it all planned out and yet when the block strikes, it strikes. Hard. Still only got two chapters.
  2. Thanks! I hope you give it a look and enjoy it! And best of luck with your own book, I know how hard they are to write
  3. I don't think it's weird. It's not that we can't tell that a man is attractive, it's just that there's some cultural homophobia ingrained in our cultures that prevents us from saying so. Meh, whatever. Heard you got a book published! Congratulations I might pick it up one day. I'm writing a novel of my own right now and we'll see how it goes.
  4. Haha it's weird here too a lot of the time, I just... am weird
  5. Well, thank you then. I find that where I come from males find it hard to complement other males on their looks, which is pretty weird, since women do it all the time. It's kinda refreshing, really
  6. Yes I do!
  7. You do realize I'm male, though, right? I don't get called that often
  8. I appreciate the compliment
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