Conversation Between Shauna and Agent Proto

9 Visitor Messages

  1. He would be interested, he possibly loves Ace Attorney more than me. xD New prosecutor perhaps! I shall ask him.
  2. Splendid! Do you know anyone else that could be interested in joining in as other characters? I think we need others to fill in as the new prosecutor, the new detective, and Trucy Wright. Maybe Mr. Shauna could be interested?
  3. Ooooh. Could do.
  4. Shauna Shauna Shauna! Would you like to join me and Jiro next month? We're going to be Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice, and we're going to need an Athena Cykes! I think you'll be perfect for the job!
  5. Shauna! Can I ask you a favor?
  6. Birthday note of userage!
  7. Very shameless. And very much needs more!
  8. I see YOU.
  9. I see you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9