Conversation Between Ryth and Vikeve

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. Merry freaking Christmas from the "Pimp Master" you know and love. I'll never forget when we left, you had randomly PMed me one day after a post I made in some thread or something.

    Ok so maybe I don't remember everything.

    Regardless, I'm glad you PMed me, you're a fun, smart, and crazy little girl. xD I hope your Christmas is full of cheer, and don't let your brother bring you down.
  2. I sexually harrased you and your pimpiness all the time and all you get is this lousy usernote.
  3. Hey bren how come your saying your captain basch when you don't have FF12 yet hah *points finger and laughs at you*!?

    By the way Pimp Master Ryth you know your a sexy beast and I can't help my feelings anymore... i just wanted you to know that...... I..... I..... I LOVE YOU! Your my favorite pimp master you know!
  4. I have to agree with bipper.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 24 of 24
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