Conversation Between The Summoner of Leviathan and Pumpkin

133 Visitor Messages

  1. Sounds relaxing and a lot of fun! I had a staycation a few weeks ago and it was awesome!
  2. Oh sure, lots of plans! Hiking, trying to get in shape, tennis, video games, reading, writing, relaxing, maybe a weekend trip at some point
  3. Any big plans for the vacation?
  4. I'm doing alright. Sharky as well. Excited for summer vacation
  5. Fair point!

    I am gooooood! You? Sharky?
  6. It would be weird if it said Pinkasaurus Rex without being pink though :P

    How are you?
  7. Every time I see your pink title, I think "Oh no, who would ban Ashton!?" and then realize it is your title.

    Like I could never see you do anything remotely bannable so it is like a shock to the system until I read it!
  8. I'm okay
  9. Good and you?!
  10. hello, how are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 133