Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. My dad overheard me saying I always wanted one and picked it up for me. It's on my desk keeping me relaxed. Sorry to hear you can't find them in your part of the globe. That sucks but I guess you always have the internet.
  2. Omg I always wanted one of those but they don't have them here in Potato Land
  3. It's a Persona Rhythm Game. I'm happy I don't have a Vita so I can avoid the temptation. I actually didn't get any games this year, largely because I was so busy, I failed to send out a wish list for the people who usually pick up those types of things for me. My favorite gift was a lava lamp actually.
  4. I think I got quite a bit of relaxation. I'm glad I could just get away from everything for almost two weeks and spend time with the family. Got both Devil Survivor games on the 3DS, Soul Hackers, and DQ VI with IV, V, and IX on the way (Santa ordered the games too late).

    Oh, and also P4 Dancing All Night. It's much more addicting than I expected.
  5. Rough, the holidays are usually hectic for me due to family but other than that, not so bad. How was your holiday?
  6. Happy new year, Wolfs!

    So how've your holidays been treating you?
  7. I just need to gain a few levels and enough cash to get two more Healing Shields, but I'm pretty close to finishing up DQII. Kind of been a bitch actually.
  8. I'll check GII out eventually, my backlog is still pretty massive. I need to finish 4 Heroes of Light so I can start Bravely Default. I also need to finish Star Ocean 1 so I can free up my PSP for Tactics Ogre.
  9. Ooh, it's on PSN ! Cool! I will add it to my backlog
  10. I will, if I find the means to. But only if you check out II This one's the "take the girl on a pilgrimage to save the world, oh and the church is evil" kind of thing, but the game doesn't treat itself completely seriously, there's tons of character interaction, and the battle system is also fun.
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