Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Man, I forgot how rigid Persona 4 was with regards to social links. I'm now at the end of October - the Naoto link is supposed to start, and I still haven't maxed out Kanji, Chie and Yukiko (Kanji's on level 9, the girls on 7 or 8 I believe). Once again, I don't think I stand a chance at maxing them all out, which is a shame And I haven't even started the Tower link yet, because I didn't even have the time to max my understanding yet. The girl route on P3P has so far been my best run at social links, with only a few links unmaxed. You ever encounter the same problem in these games?
  2. No worries man. I was a student up until last year so I understand.
  3. I haven't forgotten your prologue, don't worry. I'll give you some solid feedback this weekend. Exams are coming up and I have tons of stuff to do now, but I do keep thinking about it, I have t forgotten
  4. Lol, well guess I'll have to check it out then.
  5. Woot And I just posted number 24, nanoseconds before your reply
  6. Yeah, I'm going to try and do my number 7 today.
  7. I'll try to do mine before I go to bed today, then. Two more tomorrow, hopefully.
  8. I generally go by time. It takes a me a while to write up my sections so I usually wait for being in the mood.
  9. Did my #25 and I got some more ready. I don't know if I should post one already or wait until I get some more responses :/
Showing Visitor Messages 6181 to 6190 of 6688