Conversation Between Election Booth and Vyk

2 Visitor Messages

  1. I definitely could have represented myself better at any rate. I totally understand the pressure, I didn't mean to add to it. The election's still fun, and in the end it'll even be productive with people's concerns and wants being voiced in this vote~ So we'll just put this behind us and have fun moving forward
  2. Yeah I totally misinterpreted your post. You did have genuine concerns and I did kind of leap down your throat with that one (you might get sick from that btw ). But seriously, thank you for saying something rather than just keeping it all to yourself. You didn't represent yourself as pissy or whatever, I was just getting concerned I was ruining the elections for people. A lot of self-pressure at the moment

    But again, thank you and sorry, and I hope the next elections will be a bit more enjoyable now that you've got a better idea of what's going on
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