Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. They're not too bad it seems, but it's more of a money issue at the moment. I've got a convention to go to next month so I can't really be spending too much now.
  2. Well, still have Silver to beat, so there's a chance Ruby'll arrive in the meantime. There's actually more Pokemon to catch in D/P/Pt if you have a gen III cart in the GBA slot, but I think that's only after you get the National Dex. Still, yay for handhelds! Are Black and Y easier to track down at a decent price or are they just as expensive?
  3. I'm still debating about who my final team is going to be, though once it's decided, I'm probably going to just stick with them for the most part minus the HM pack mules.

    My copy of Pearl showed up today, much earlier than anticipated. Though I am a bit miffed that my copy of Ruby still hasn't shipped as I kind of wish to play it first. The nice thing about both Ruby and Pearl is that I'll be able to play them on my handhelds unlike Blue and Silver, where I have to use the Super Gamboy and SNES to play through them.
  4. Good idea. Generation I is really the only hard one like that. The rest are much more balanced and streamlined so you really don't have to grind so much anymore.
  5. I've decided that I may have been a bit too hard on my analysis of Charmander and his evolution line. There were certain elements I forgot about that do make him pretty badass.

    I'm on Cinnabar Island leveling up in the Abandoned Lab while also trying to catch a Magmar. Since I'm anxious to start Silver, I've been using the Missing No. Glitch to fill my pockets with money, Ultra Balls, and Rare Candy cause I'm not really in the mood to do the wonderful "let's train for ten hours to deal with the Elite Four since their is a pretty big level gap between them and the last Gym if memory serves me correctly.
  6. That's useful, because Flash is kind of a waste of space.
  7. *move deleter. Stupid auto-correct. There's always this guys who can remove any move from your Ponemon, even HM moves
  8. What do you mean?
  9. Thankfully, there's a move deleted in every game starting in Gold and Silver
  10. Yeah, I've always had issues with the HM system in the games. Mainly how I can't forget them once used despite the fact HMs are reusable.
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