Conversation Between Ergroilnin and Christmas

137 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hahaha, are you camping at that thread too?
  2. Haha me too!

    I hope so :P
  3. OMG!! I am so into that FF IX 20 questions thread now!!! XD

    Think one of us will nail it?
  4. Don't know, never played it since I don't have PS3 but I don't hear exactly good things about it most of the time.
  5. Me too!! I stopped playing FF from that point. But isn't XIII an improvement?
  6. Definitely. I do like FFXII gameplay wise but totally find it's story boring and dull.
  7. Would you agree that it stops getting awesome after FF X?
  8. Nah it's not like I don't like newer titles but I feel that the older ones really were much better.
  9. Not a big fan of the new ones?

    That might depends on square enix and other possible alternate source for ff information.
  10. Yeah it's too bad really. At least we can still replay the old glorious titles!

    And EoFF is still really lovely, I hope it stays this way for few more years at the least.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 137
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