Conversation Between sharkythesharkdogg and Jentleness

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you, Jentle sharkymysharkdogg! :hello: :hello:
  2. Happy Birthday.
  3. I chose the Misfits one because it was the best. Kitties are cute, but Halloween is about scary things, not Hello Kitty Anyway, I once commented that I thought Hello Kitty was cute and a collection was born! :hello:
  4. That's okay. Who would you have picked? I think you're a kitty pumpkin type of person. What with Hello Kitty and everything.
  5. My vote didn't count, I was one second late!
  6. Jen! If you're around right now and like my pumpkin, go to chat and vote for the Mistfits pumpkin! Thanks! Only a few minutes left.
  7. Well, I've made the word game a competition again. We should harass Remon and try to have a three way battle going into the last few letters.

    Either way, good luck!
  8. What?!? You can't MAIL a gilled cheese goofy. Everyone knows you will it into existence by praying to the great and all powerful Gazuga. Also, I made a friend. Hooray!
  9. So, um...did you mail me my grilled cheese?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9