Conversation Between Leeza and crashNUMBERS

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ice cold, he is.
  2. Im wack
  3. Im Back~
  4. :crash:s hug :girl:s
  5. Oh that's ok. Lol. Don't beat yourself up. Well. You weren't but. I just wanna sound smart. Though I am getting smarter...
  6. XD It's based on this HUGE MSN convo. we had. My last names Braga so they made up a joke that DeBraga means action in bed. They kept on saying for me to rub Kikimm in the tub and DeBraga Resha. Psy was the dumb one to ask me what do I think Resha/p00ja's bra size was...
  7. ♫If I was a German♫
    ♪Id make out with kikimm♪
    ♫♪Id rub resha♪♫
    ♫♫Id shoot Psy in the ass♫♫
  8. XD Im so stupid...
  9. MP has fans!? Must hear your band!! Must be good wit' you in it!!
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 59
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