Conversation Between chionos and Calliope

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Bit of a long (and painful story) but to summarize, I had knee surgery and a resulting illness that made it impossible to keep up with the 100+ weekly hours that were needed to run a library system basically single-handedly. I left to give the library a chance to survive. (My city/county had only just gotten a library and it wasn't guaranteed going forward.) Stress and shrinking budgets matter little to me. Books are all that matter.
  2. Other than the stress and the shrinking budgets, I don't know why you'd leave a position like that! In other news, one library I work in was closed due to a "bug infestation" last week, and yesterday someone shat on the floor next to our magazines (I have no idea how this act went unnoticed, thankfully I wasn't there). Woohoo!
  3. I wish! I was a library director for a while. I've thought about going back into that field. If I do, you can have all the jobs you want!
  4. Nothing should ever interrupt the library!! Build me a library to work in, please!
  5. First Spicy Thai Chips, now Sriracha Hummus. Your wall is becoming a vortex of yumminess!

    (Yes, I was trying to rhyme Hummus and Yumminess)
  6. We need more chips!
  7. Hey! There's Spicy Thai chips on your wall. You need to share!
  8. Good! That's what I was going for. Haha!
  9. I went to rep your post just now and almost choked to death laughing at your sig xD
  10. Okay, PM me!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 37
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