Conversation Between Pumpkin and Wolf Kanno

1037 Visitor Messages

  1. We already concluded a long time ago that we seek different thins from our gaming experience.

  3. Yeah, you're more like a quarter of the way through then.
  4. I doubt that . Maybe I expressed it wrong, the big dude wants to take Ryu to a tower to teach him about ~dragon people~ but I can't get there because a volcano is blocking the path and there are monsters in the lighthouse
  5. You're in the last fifth of the game.
  6. I am at the point where I need to get the ship to cross the ocean in BoF III. How far would you say I am in the game, approximately?
  7. Lol yeah, that would be great.
  8. We need like a media addiction support group
  9. I ask myself that whenever I pick up new games, and lately movies. I just picked up two seasons worth of Gundam despite having like five TV series box sets I haven't even touched yet.
  10. I've added like 10 more games to my wishlist

    Why do I do this to myself

    Why do I do this
Showing Visitor Messages 201 to 210 of 1037