Conversation Between tidus_rox and Vikeve

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey, I feel like I should give you some cute nick name like he one you gave me but I'm being clever at this moment so I'll just say hi back tidus_rox!

    I've been good actually my previouse weeks have been like a dark hell as a result of midterms but now things are back to normal and I'm happy and I hope your happy too! How have you been buddy!? We haven't talked in a looooong long time!

    Oh, and what band shirt are you wearing in your profile pic? I can't read it but I'm interested.
  2. Viki!!

    Hey, how you been?? Love ya, bye!
  3. Dude sorry I haven't been around or posting in your usernotes! How have you been?
  4. Yes, but we musn't repeat the mistakes.
  5. lol yeah! NEIGHBOURS!! CURSE YOU!

    I like teh ubber hippozzzzz
  6. I love that song!

    *Begins to play the tune in his head*

    Viki! Where are ya, hun?
  7. Yeah well... *pokes CAPTAIN MAXX POWER!!! while he's distracted by doing all this other fancy pancy smancy stuff*

    I know I do rock but so do you great people get attracted to each other what can I say. Yeah, I guess I haven't been on the computer much but if I was wuld have posted more in your usernotes.

    I had something to say, but CAPTAIN MAXX POWER(!!!!) distracted me. I'm not sure why I put the (!!!) I guess his name deserves explanations points behind it alway but I didn't want to end the sentence and have it not makes sense even though I did that in my first sentence.
  8. lol... GOE. anyways, Viki! Where have you been? Haven't seen you in my usernotes in a while! I feel so betrayed! Doom on you!
    Nah, just kidding, you rock!

  9. Hey, Viki! What's up? Done at school.... again. Pft, the kid beside me is happy that he got 23 words a minute...

  10. I'm posting again becuase I wanna give you your very first 42nd usernote!!!!

    It's my favorite number. I'm not sure why I've always had an attraction to it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
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