Conversation Between Dat Matt and Egami

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Sure thing.

    Yeah there has been plenty of activity in the matches. There is definitely bound to be a lot of (hopefully friendly) raging back and forth in this round. I know...I'll be part of it too
  2. Thanks for the support. Its actually surprisingly easy to run events like this. The entire table was just made in paint xD.

    I'm quite surprised at how much attention the threads have gotten so I'm sure the final will be a hot mess of fanboy rage which will be amazing xD
  3. Hey there Matt, just wanted to give you some props for setting up and running the whole FF contest. It must have been busy work keeping track of it all and setting the polls at the given time. It's been quite fun so far. And also the FF X Let's Play. Good job with that too.

    See you around
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