Conversation Between Leen-Leen and Sweet Beloved

87 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yes xDD The book was still good, though. It wasn't as great as the others. xD
  2. xDD
    yeah. i liked the last three better.
    BD is okay, but meh, the others were better.
  3. OMGOMGOMG I finished it!!

    I like Eclipse better xD
  4. haha yeah i know.

    I'm not done yet so meeh! But it's been good so far But I've been able to see some things coming from a mile away. It's been kinda predictable.
  6. haha!
    it'll come. don't worry. it's pretty good too, so you'll love reading it.
  7. Oh you're SO lucky! D:

    I pre-ordered it off of Amazon and it hasn't come yet! D:
  8. yeah i finished it today.
    i was first in line at midnight to get that book. i was soo excited.
    i barely stopped reading it. and it was SOOO good.
  9. xD Have you gotten a chance to read Breaking Dawn yet!?
  10. breakingdawnbreakingdawnbreakingdawn BREAKING DAWNN!!
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