Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Definitely. The only thing that legit worries me is that I’m not sure about all the details, but I hope that’s something I can discover during drafting and the incorporate more coherently as I edit
  2. It's why I try to keep my eyes on the big picture and not sweat the small stuff. Are you at least enthusiastic about the whole project?
  3. I mean, I know I am. I know that when I come back to parts I thought were trash, I often found out there was far more worth saving than I’d thought. It’s just hurting right now writing it tbh. I’m hoping I can get into the zone more often since that makes me just not think about it for a moment
  4. I think you're just being hard on yourself. I know I tend to doubt my ability to bring a story together, but that's what revisions are for. I often find just finishing the first draft is half the battle.
  5. Just... the fact that everything I write sounds like crap. Plus stuff is just becoming a bit too fuzzy sometimes. I really need to get the draft done fast so that I can actually make it good
  6. I have the first draft of the first issue finished. I need to do a few more revisions before I send it to my artist though. Mostly because I had to feel my way in writing in a script format. I initially started in a DC style where you tell them how many panels and what happens in each panel, but eventually settled for a major paragraph description of the scene followed by the dialogue and a few more descriptions of action between, which is apparently closer to the Marvel script style. So I basically need to rewrite the first few pages in the later style and probably tighten up the dialogue. I've already started on the second part of the script and it's going a bit smoother since I already planned most of the story in my head.

    Between that, I've been jotting down little ideas for my Matsuno inspired story. Watching a fan video on Dark Souls involving a player beating the game with just a broken sword inspired me to create a captain type character who carries around a broken sword as a memento of one of his failures.

    So what's your writing roadblock?
  7. So how’s the writing? I’m trying to crack a wall with my head over here. I feel like my writing is the worst right now, but I’m still not giving up and writing at least a sentence or two every day
  8. To be fair, I wasted a day and half before finally forcing myself to write this evening so I wouldn't feel guilty about wasting my days off.
  9. Woo! Sounds great I, on the other hand, wrote all of two sentences yesterday. Still better than nothing I guess
  10. Well tonight was actually productive. I got most of the first issue of my comic script written up. I need to tighten up the early sections since I had not quite figured out the format I wanted to use. The last part should be easy to write since it's mostly a comedy bit that segues into the next two stories.

    After that, it's the task of prodding my artist to actually draw all of it since she can be flaky sometimes or only want to draw what she's in the mood for. I'm hoping the script will be good enough to have her start working on it immediately.

    I've also started my Political Medieval story I told you about last year.
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