Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Christmas

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  1. Their logic is that God protected man from the dinosaurs since they are special.

    I think I was thirteen or fourteen. VI was already out. I got IV for my birthday but it took me most of the holiday season to beat it. Lol

    How old were you when you played your first FF?
  2. If we existed side by side, high chance our ancestors will be dino's food.

    How old were you when you first played & completed FFIV? You did not play the FF series in sequence, right?
  3. My school's church would simply say they existed side by side with humanity before the flood wiped them out.

    I played both games during that time frame. I mean technically I think of FFIX around November and then FFIV around December. I beat FFIV the first time close to Christmas Eve.
  4. Ya. Typical religious beliefs. I alway wonder how does religion explains the existence of dinosaurs.

    Why FF IV & IX around X'mas though? Quina looks like Santa?
  5. If the religious institution within the school is fundamentalist like mine was (Southern Baptist) then yes. I had science class but it glossed over a lot of stuff that tends to pertain to evolution because my school believed in Creationsim instead. In fact my science classes tended to have sections dedicated to trying to debunk evolution instead.

    Yeah I like to play scary games in October, I also like playing Dragon Quest in November for some reason and I'm always in the mood to play FFIV and IX around Christmas time.
  6. Religious schools are not really into science?

    You playing Fatal Frame during Halloween? Intense man! I usually play Skyrim during the the Christmas season because of the snowy landscape. Until I realized there are mods to adjust the seasons of the game.
  7. The transition wasn't too bad actually. I wasn't exactly religious coming out of high school anymore so that was never an issue. Having to play catch up to science classes was a pain though.

    Fatal Frame 2 is pretty intense. I'm looking forward to playing it when I get a chance. Maybe during my Halloween gaming this year. Do you have any specific games you get into the mood to play during certain times of the year?
  8. Party to discuss a MMORPG? Best party ever man!
    How was the change like from a religious school to a secular one? Hard to adapt? Especially ppl talk trash about religion in the latter.

    My fav is actually Fatal Frame 2. The one that scared the trout out of me when I was a kiddo.
  9. So what's your favorite horror game?
  10. Eh maybe one or two? Nothing like you see in teen flicks, my parties were more just a bunch of us meeting at a friend's house so we could bitch about World of Warcraft or something. No one really drank either. So pretty tame.

    I was nerdy at my high school as well, but my issue was less that it was uncool and more about it being frowned upon by the faculty. The joys of going to a private Christian school. I never went to a secular school until college.
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