Conversation Between The Unknown Guru and Tama2

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. Funk is awesome to play. Just getting into that rhythm...

    Now I want to play.
  2. Pretty much the same for me. I'll play pretty much anything as long as I like to listen to it. If someone wants a funk jam, though, then I will drop everything and play. I <3 funk
  3. I actually never confined myself to one brand of music. Not to say I play everything though. But if I were to pick it would be more along the lines of Alt Rock if anything. Even that is pretty general. You?
  4. Ah, Paistes are nice. I have an old Paiste hi-hat. The rest of my cymbals are unique Sabian prototypes, though. Got 'em from a special sale a local drum shop had, and they are damn good cymbals. What kind of music do you like to play?
  5. Paistes mainly. Crash, ride, and rude. Zildjian high-hat. They're a little banged up though. :/
    I really need new heads though. >.< I just don't want to fork out a bunch of money for all of them.
  6. Very nice. I play a 4-piece Rogers kit from the 70's myself. What kind of cymbals do you use?
  7. I do play a 7-piece Tama drum set.
  8. Thought so. Do you actually play Tama? Or is it just your name?
  9. I have no idea what I was talking about. xD

    And yes I do.
  10. O_o Sorry.

    Also, I'm assuming you play drums. Eerie.
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