Conversation Between Jojee and theundeadhero

130 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi friend!

    (I R drunk)
  2. *eats your face* :3
  3. I'm less wishy-washy than a washing machine but that doesn't mean I don't sometimes change my mind six or seven times.
  4. I'm not really 83. I just say that to pick up girls.
  5. Well you are 83 years old!
  6. How does someone become kinda an old man?
  7. You're kind of an old man O_O
  8. wonky donkey xD moo.
  9. Sukifruit
  10. you're the dirty one, my comment was perfectly innocent n_n Stop concocting horrible things with your dirty, dirty mind!

Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 130