Conversation Between Alive-Cat and SammieBabe

55 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hhhmmm... sounds like fun.. but I think I'll pass....
  2. Get the brat some new body parts!!!!!! Shheeesh!
  3. I'm just pointing out that you're slacking on the job....My stalking days are over.... or are they...
  4. I love Polar scroooooooooootingslayonmepoopooos.
  5. I don't want you as my stalker now... You said you wanted to stalk me and you didn't so
  7. *runs away and cries since Alive-Man can't keep promises*
  8. Somebody wants to stalk me right???
  9. smurfING smurf ME YOU smurf!!!
  10. You are the worst stalker ever!!! I am currently accepting applications for a new stalker...
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 55
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