Conversation Between ff7+ff10 gurl 100 and Alive-Cat

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. I am awake!
  2. It's you! How are you!? How's Audrey and the kids?
  3. Perv's grammer offends me.
  4. Do not read this. Ever. Please. For me.
    (SPOILER)I thought you cared about me.
  5. I wasn't a spoilt child.
  6. Evastio.
  7. You must be the chosen one, 100 gurl!
  8. I also am! I bet you figured JUST the right order to view profiles!
  9. Everyone is alive with Alive-Man.
  10. I think you have view Psychotic's, then Levian's, then your own, then Christmas's, then mine, then Cid's...
    There is an order to this! I know it!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 33
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