Conversation Between Pheesh and theundeadhero

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I just realized today that you're the same person as ee :rock:

  2. It's a little strange seeing enhancement shamans around again, but I'm glad they're played some now. I'm not sure if you're on my bnet tag or not, I have a couple from EOFF I'm not entirely sure who they are, but if you see my online and need a DPS sometime I'll be glad to help out.
  3. I've been enjoying it quite a bit. I'm playing enhancement shaman which is quite fun and the rotation is nice and simple for getting back into the game after so long. Now that I've joined a decent guild I've started to step into mythic+ runs as well, so hopefully I can start to push my ilvl up and maybe get a legendary as well.

    Main thing is that I've had such a hectic work week and have had hardly any time to play this week. Hopefully sink some hours into it this weekend.
  4. Hello. How are things going with WoW now that you play again? What class did you decide to go with and what do you think of Legion?
  5. Interest
  6. I thought I gave you one of these ages ago. Looks like I owe you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6