Conversation Between Scruffington and Lyndis Highwind

213 Visitor Messages

  1. I've actually been interested in the Persona series for a bit now. I have other games I need to play first though. I just started a game on Halo 1, and I really want to play MGS:Twin Snakes soon too.

    Yep, I've been doing yard work for my family. I planted my own rose bush and everything! I really want to try my hand at taking care of plants.
  2. Yeah, I've been playing some Persona 5, League and Overwatch lately. Really need to focus more on P5 though.

    I'm happy that the weather is getting nicer too! Are you just doing yard work for your family then?
  3. Well, I hope you get more energy soon! Been playing any good games lately?

    I've been pretty well. I'm happy that the weather is finally getting nicer. I've been able to do a bit of yard work, so that's been great.
  4. Hey. Sorry, been fairly busy and tired lately.

    How are things with you?
  5. How have you been? I haven't heard from you in awhile!
  6. Don't feel too badly about the mafia game! I'm sure you'll be able to host again!
  7. Well I'm happy you've enjoyed it so far. I did ultimately have fun with it too, but I think it's one of the most disappointing games I've ever played.

    Even thinking about it makes me upset.
  8. I'm almost done with XV. I'm​ having so much fun with it, I don't want it to end
  9. Personally I feel that LPs are a little bit outdated. I haven't watched any in years ever since I discovered Twitch, haha. I just watch streams all the time now.

    I'm happy you enjoyed it though. I definitely think you should keep doing it if it makes you happy and it's something you really want to go for!
  10. That makes total sense. I guess I should say I do enjoy a story with sad/dark elements in it, in fact I prefer them that way. But when a story is just dark and sad all the time for the sake of it, I tend to avoid them.

    Man, making an LP is harder than it looks! I did a test run a couple days ago, and it's hard to find things to say and I didn't realize how much I mumble haha. But I did enjoy it, so hopefully I'll find the courage to post on the forum here haha.
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 213