Conversation Between Rocket Edge and Hearts

163 Visitor Messages

  1. Whats a gem?
  2. *Listens*

    By the way, at the site, the song might take a minute or two to load.
  3. Possibly.
  4. I know that song. It's on someones site I think uh..
    Yeah, yeah. Thats it. Dont put a www. in front of it or it wont work.
  5. ¬.¬
  6. I'm colour-blind (I'm just not bothered picking colours up).
  7. If i was in your house there is only one thing i would do... Cook.
  8. New page for you. PARTY!
  9. Would you believe me if i said i was vegitarian?
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 163