Conversation Between themagicroundabout and Faris

74 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yay! How was your trip? Tell me everything!
  2. I made it to Canada!
  3. OOooh, Vancouver will be better for you as it doesn't get quite as cold there as it does here! In fact, the weather shouldn't be all that different from what you're used to. You should be able to get everything you need, unless you're on the Island, then I don't know what you need (I can ask a friend though!). Aside from that it all depends on what you want to do.
  4. Not quite! I have two weeks left in England and then I'll be flying out to Vancouver! I'm starting to get a bit excited, things are starting to seem a bit more real. What does one need to survive in Canada? I think I might pack a supply of teabags just in case!
  5. You're in Canada right now? How are you enjoying it? Which province are you in?
  6. That's quite alright . Unfortunately I don't know much about the west coast. Overall Canada's main attractions is the nature. So if you really like camping, hiking, skiing, and that sort of thing there's lots to do. If you pop by Ottawa or Montreal let me know, perhaps we can arrange something.
  7. I have been doing good, thanks! Sorry, I didn't answer that question in my last reply in all the excitement! What are you getting up to these days? When I come to Canada I will be going to Vancouver I believe! Although maybe travelling about a bit here and there, come what may
  8. I am doing well, thanks. How have you been? That depends on what area you are going to! Where will ye be?
  9. Hello, Sailor! How are you doing? I am moving to Canada for a year soon. What fun things are there to do over there huh?
  10. Hello stranger How have you been?
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