Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Yay \o/
  2. Well just relax then, and who knows, maybe you'll get inspired to write instead.
  3. Yeah, I do recall them being like that. I don’t know if I’ll be able to play any today, since I didn’t sleep much today because I stayed up late to do the cleaning so that I wouldn’t have to do it today but hey - it was worth it
  4. Hopefully I will luck out when I return to it as well. I'm relatively early in a case, so I'm hoping it will be easy to pick up again since the cases are pretty self contained.
  5. Thanks!

    And yeah, I vaguely remember dreading random encounters from that playthrough I had a while ago that I didn’t finish, but I hope I can persevere since I really want to finish it this time. I’ve gotten much better with MegaTen since then and lost some bad habits (i.e. holding on to demons for too long) so I hope I do better this time.
  6. Well happy birthday.

  7. It grows stale after awhile. It's pretty neat in the beginning but a few chapters in, you'll start dreading random encounters. Not helped by the limited enemy variety and the other gameplay features often being cooler.
  8. Also it’s my birthday!
  9. Well, I’m experiencing some slowdown in more crowded areas, but other than that, it’s pretty great. I don’t get why people complain about the combat so much - it plays pretty well so far.
  10. What are your thoughts so far?
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