Conversation Between Freya and Quindiana Jones

532 Visitor Messages

  1. They get all gross and wet and ew
  2. What's wrong with wet sponges?

  3. No still that's ewwww. And like slimy D:
  4. Soggy because we're both holding wet sponges, duh.

    It's your mind that makes it dirty. xD
  5. ... EWWWWWW
  6. *soggy high five*

  7. Seriously!? ME TOO!
  8. Totally. Wet dreams for weeks after. xD
  9. Yeah they were hot
  10. I know. I haven't been online for a few days. I was on yesterday and briefly spoke to Joy, but she had work to do.

    I miss our threeways.
Showing Visitor Messages 401 to 410 of 532