Conversation Between Karifean and Fynn

923 Visitor Messages

  1. *shivers*

    There's also the incredibly destructive mindset that (a certain group of) other people isn't worth reasoning or having a discourse with. If anything they're probably the ones you should *most* be having a constructive talk with to get a balanced viewpoint.
  2. That's my biggest issues. That and people being convinced that since their views are right (because of course they are) and so everything they do in the name of it is completely justified without even stopping to think about the repercussions
  3. Yeah those damn Puritans. They're all the same. (/s)

    I think the fundamental issue is differences in opinions on what's actually important, and what's more important and less important. And then in turn people projecting their own priorities onto others and just not getting how they're not 'seeing it'.
  4. Typical Puritan attitude
  5. Because hooray Us vs Them mentalities.
  6. Kinda makes you wonder why it happens in the first place
  7. Yeah... I know that feel all too well.
  8. I occasionally dip my toes in and then quickly run away
  9. Thanks. It always takes a bit of convincing myself to actually dare put myself out there in Academia, so it's nice to hear some appreciation =P
  10. No rep points in Academia, so let me say I agree with you ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 923