Conversation Between Evastio and Madame Adequate

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Glad to hear that. I guess I got too passionate and quite hot-headed about the thread. Sorry about that.
  2. Not even remotely any hard feelings on my end. I'm just talkin' about videogames, you've got to go to Loony_BoB-tier and fail to give X-Com due respect before I get invested.
  3. I hope there's no hard feelings about our debate, but I wouldn't blame you for them.
  4. Good to see another person who also isn't fond of the Zelda series. I've never really appreciated exploration in games if it means spending hours being stuck because you don't know what to do.
  5. The face reminds me of Guillermo...
  6. Would you like to see my toadstool, Evastio?

  7. The more you know!
  8. You never really struck me as a Breath of Fire person...
  9. That information is valuable to me. Have a loaf of bread and my thanks and a usernote. I thank you.
  10. You know how 41-Inches-Wide calls you Milfeulle all the time?

    Basically Milfeulle is a girl from Galaxy Angel who's really kind, nice, and innocent but really dumb and clumsy at times.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10