Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Dude writes Song of Ice and Fire-level plots and treats them like it’s nothing. Talk about a power move.
  2. Yeah it's really amusing, he dodges the plot element as well in his interviews about Tactics Ogre as well.
  3. Yeah. Imagine making something to be widely considered one of the best plots in FF and you’re like “honestly I would rather have worked on the battle mechanics”
  4. Very true, I think the more amusing thing I learned was how much he hates writing the plots.
  5. On the other hand, considering the level of attention to detail in his games, it does make perfect sense that he'd have this approach.
  6. Yeah, Matsuno is very different than I had imagined he would be. There is another interview with him on that website that he does with Hideo Kojima after Vagrant Story was done and it's pretty interesting to see how similar they are in interests but radically different people in personality.
  7. Interesting read! Very surprised to learn Matsuno is so practical in terms of coming up with ideas. Yoshida having no prior experience in fantasy illustrations is also pretty funny to me since now I consider him to be my personal gold standard for fantasy art. Like if there was ever a possibility that he could do cover art for my book I think I’d die
  8. Also, I'm not sure if you've read this article before, but I found an interview you would be super interested in.
  9. It is the polite thing to do.
  10. Like you even have to ask
Showing Visitor Messages 591 to 600 of 6688