Conversation Between Shlup and Calliope

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. You find me scary?? I'm pretty sure you would kick my ass.
  2. Thank you for your blog comment. I shouldn't find you as scary as I do, but y'know.
  3. <3!!
  4. You should switch names every 47 minutes for maximum confusion. Be sure to start mixing in banned members, too.
  5. Apparently user notes were turned into visitor messages, but there's still a link to just the user notes. That's funny.
  6. But my profile says I have 86 visitor messages, and 59 user notes.
  7. It's not. Didn't the name just change when we updated a vB version or something?
  8. Wait, how is a user note different from a visitor message? Is it like, yelp vs yr fb wall?
  9. I'll wave to you!
  10. I'm coming to see you in July! Well, not really, but I'm sending a delegate, apparently. <3
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 52
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