Conversation Between Freya and Christmas

217 Visitor Messages

  1. EOFF underground Forum Topic 4

    CUM NAO!
  2. No not Vincent thunder god D: He was all for the uprising of eoff government! He is a terrorist!
  3. EOFF underground Forum Topic 123

    Are you ready for the return of The Devil (The guy that uses in his first post!!! rox on!!!) and Vincent Thunder god?

  4. Yeah sure.
  5. To me? To the site you mean?
  6. Guess he just doesn't want to come back to you
  7. 2 Years, not five
  8. No. It's like a 5 years for a ban so ya know it's not been 5 years yet.
  9. EOFF underground Forum Topic 12

    Is Devil Man's ban period up already?

  10. Meh just pip :/
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 217