Conversation Between Black Magic Shopkeeper and Absconditus_Oraculum

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lol. Think it was a bit more then my body could take when I had it. Kinda felt funny after drinking it.
  2. Anything brimming with sugar and caffeine.
  3. Ah yeah. I'll have to try them some time.. Hey, you even have Mountain Dew Game Fuel?
  4. Oh yeah, I've actually had those before. Very tasty. Couldn't have too many of those, though. Indigestion.
  5. You got that right. They also have chocolate covered coffee beans in that brand too. forget how much caffine they said was in each bean/bag of them. Was quite a lot though I think. I'll have too look next time I go to that coffee shop. They don't sell the bags if coffee there anymore but they kept the beans.
  6. Probably life-threatening, but it would totally be worth the experience.
  7. LOL. Hmmm plants and coffee.. I am interested to see how that one would turn out.
  8. Ahh. In that case, I might have my sibling or underlings try it.
    Then tell me what it's like.
    And if they find it acceptable, I shall try it.
    ...Right after watering the plants with it.
  9. It wasn't too bad actually. As far as I could tell anyway. I did have some of it.
  10. Enough caffeine and shock to make your arteries seizure, I take it.
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