Conversation Between Quindiana Jones and drotato

195 Visitor Messages

  1. School is taking up time? But you're, like, 12 or something!

    Wow you age fast. Ah Will. That dude's such a drag. I mean, he takes up so much of my time too, but I just can't help but love him for it.

    ...wait, what?
  2. Hahaha... damn. Cold. ;D

    Weeeeelll, if you must know, life. xD
    School, mostly. And William.
    School is driving me crazy. ):
  3. I know, but it doesn't make any sense!

    Busy with what? You're, like, 5 or something.
  4. Hahaha, yeah... but it's great.

    And I dunno, I've been sooo busy. It sucks not having a lot of time to myself. /:
  5. Hey Nikki! Long time! Where have you been?

    Yeah, I should really change it though. The 501st was weeks ago...
  6. Quin... your signature makes me looool
  7. BUT SO AM I. I just meant towards you, my wonderful friend. ;D
  8. I'm exactly that jackass. Thanks for the insult.
  9. Hahaha, it's okay.
    I'm not a jackass to correct you, because I knew what you meant. xD
  10. I don't know why I wrote "all the way throw". That suggests some God-awful things about my sex life haha.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 195