Conversation Between Christmas and Pike

141 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh god!! How I envy you!!!

    But most likely there weren't be anymore single player elder scroll games anymore after they got the MMORPG up.
  2. It works pretty well for me!
  3. Will it crush the game with so many mods? I knew Skyrim has random crashes once in a while after I infested it with mods.
  4. I didn't use many Skyrim mods, but I have like 100 Morrowind mods!!
  5. Oh mine!! I love you Auntie Pike!! I love Skyrim!!! Did you download a lot of mods too!!?
  6. Yes I did play Skryim! It is my second favorite after Morrowind!
  7. I heard that is one of the best game and it lay the foundation for Skyrim and Oblivion. Did you play Skyrim?
  8. Yes it is! Morrowind is my favorite Elder Scrolls game
  9. Although I only started playing from Oblivion, but I read through all the stories on the internet on the other games! Arena is the only game that enable you to explore the whole of Tamriel!
  10. Elder Scrolls is my favorite series
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 141