Conversation Between FaithWontFall and Ethereal_Scarlet_Rose

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Heya
    Im not on here much either, shame coz i really do need all the help i can get if i think i am ever to complete an FF game.
  2. It's no worry, I'm glad you're taking interest at all!
    I must apologise for not being around all that often; time seems to be running on without me!
  3. It certainly is a great place to visit. <3
    Sorry about the randomness, i was having one of those crazy days. Hope youre stil enjoying the site.
  4. I have no idea what you're talking about sorry! User note?
    Besides! Thank you, I adore this site it's got to be the leading FF site!
  5. First user note (are they still called this?)
    It reads: Heya! Hope youre enjoying EOFF!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5