Conversation Between yunacy and BardTard

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Exodus is pretty awesome, but I love all her albums and I really don't think I can choose a favorite. You should check out my blog. I have pretty much every Utada Hikaru video EVER.
  2. that got me angry

    exodus prolly
    i like it alot
  3. I hate how it cuts off at the end though What's your favorite album?
  4. well it's not my favorited of hers
    but not the worstest.
    i love that song
    it's the best on the album!
  5. Yes she is amazing. Thanks, so are you What do you think of her new Heart Station album? I really like her song Take 5.
  6. i love utada
    she's amazing
    and apparently so are you now.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6