Conversation Between Colonel Angus and Miss Mae

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Coolcoolcool
  2. Miss Mae, mae I add you as a buddy on NaNo?
  3. Works for me
  4. Your adoring public just wanted to shower you w/ their appreciation. Queen Liz has nothing on Queen Mae!
  5. I have gone through so many of these bloody titles. I went up a heap ​during the Ciddies.
  6. Congrats!
  7. Yesss!

    I just noticed that I'm ​evolving.
  8. I'm a sky pirate.
  9. Mii HST is too old to make babies anyway. He'd probably just have you send manuscripts over the "Mojo Wire" for him.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18
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