Conversation Between Sephiroth and Fynn

93 Visitor Messages

  1. Do you use Pokémon Showdown?
  2. Yes, that's what I mean. He draws characters than very often look alike and that lends itself well to new characters.
  3. You mean the style generally is good for that, so making new characters? Actually, if you think about it, it really is.
  4. Here's my stuff if you ever want to check it out, by the way:
  5. Yep, those are the two But they still blend really well with everything else. I guess that's just Toriyama's style for you! It's quite easy to adapt to and introduce OCs.
  6. I guess you have immediately noticed which guys I meant. That demonic looking guy with the spikey hair and the one who looks like something totally inhuman.
  7. So I just took a look at them. They look pretty legit!
  8. New Age is actually more interesting and closer as well as accurate information-wise to the original.

    Two of my villains are actually shown in my Thread. "Soul" and "Kito". In the post with the most drawings currently.
  9. I've seen DBZ myself, he's told me about that Multiverse stuff.
  10. Has he told you about the fan comics or the real deal? Not that any fan comic would come close to the original.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 93