Conversation Between NeoCracker and Wolf Kanno

388 Visitor Messages

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  1. My family would appreciate that, course we're kind of smurfed up like that.

    My Gma turned 100 this year and my dad was setting up a big birthday party for her a few months before the event. Now this is his mother I might add. He's telling my he's getting all of the cousins and distant relatives to show up, and then says, "I hope the birthday girl makes it. If not, we'll have a wake instead. Regardless, we'll have a giant family get together in May so make sure to take some time off. Can't waste a party."
  2. So this last Monday, I went to the Hospital to see my Aunt who was just placed there, me and my sister were outside in the hallway to give my mother time to talk to her. Me and my sis are just outside a room full of a lot of visitors, and it's pretty obvious there is probably something really serious going on in this room, and my phone goes off.

    The asshole move here? I don't know if you're familiar with Ozzy at all, but my Ringtone is Mr. Crowly, but this is it.

    So after what sounds like a smurfing funeral Dirge of some kind kicks on, like two nurses in the hallway and a few people in the room immediately turn to look at me like 'What the serious smurf man!?:"

    I do feel kind of bad, but damn was that timing just too perfect. XD
  3. I've heard the story structure is kind of hit or miss and the game was accused of feeling more like an MMO than an console RPG in Japan. It will probably be awhile before I get to check it out.
  4. A lot of focus is given to multiplayer, most characters just feel irrelevant to anything going on, and the concept they are working with this time isn't really all that interesting.

    It just doesn't really feel at all thematically like it should be a followup to Xenoblade Chronicles. Were I not expecting a Xeno game I may have enjoyed it quite a bit.

    Of course there's a few mechanicle things that constantly bother me, but those on their own aren't really game breaking.
  5. Why?
  6. I am dissapointed deeply in Xenoblade Chronicles X. ;_;
  7. You'll change your mind after Suikoden IV.
  8. Of Suikoden I-III I actually think III is the weakest of the lot.
  9. It's a downgrade from the previous installments but it's not unplayable. Just a bit boring compared to SII and III because the game feels like the original Suikoden, just with crappy spell animations.
  10. And now I need to eventually make it through Suikoden IV.
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